Joomla SEO, time for the new URLs!

We’re writing this soon after the release of version 3.8 of the powerful Joomla [tipso tip=”Content Management System”]CMS[/tipso]. Joomla 3.8 carries a new feature which is especially interesting for [tipso tip=”Search Engine Optimization”]SEO[/tipso] purposes: a new structure for your web pages addresses, the so-called [tipso=”Uniform Resource Locator”]URL[/tipso], which will be more meaningful to both people and search engines.

Joomla already had some [tipso tip=”Search Engine Friendly”] SEF[/tipso] features, but native SEO features are not enough for advanced SEO and needed to be integrated via additional software (components and extensions), like sh404SEF or MijoSEF.

SEOs have long waited for a better URLs control with Joomla: they often preferred to use WordPress, in order to have greater flexibility  in this regard.

To better understand the possibilities offered by the last update for Joomla, we take a sample URL generated by the previous versions of Joomla:

where 123 is the content (article) ID code.

With the new routing system, we are able to get the following simplified address:

How to activate the new Joomla URLs: Read more

Ransomware now targets WordPress sites

Ransomware is a phenomenon that has grown dangerously in 2017, which has caused billions of damage to companies and people around the world, and reminded why it is important to invest in IT security.

It is called ransomware a malicious software that can penetrate via the internet into your home or business computer (or other connected device), thanks to a system vulnerability. When a certain condition occurs, ransomware make the computer data unreadable by means of  strong encryption algorithms and promises to unlock it after paying a ransom.

Usually cybercriminals require anonymous contact through the dark web and ask for payment in bitcoin.

In May and June we learned from the media about the massive attacks on WannaCry and Petya ransomware and their variants.

In August, a new ransomware emerged that attacks WordPress sites. It encrypts data and tries to extort money from the site owner.

This is an example of how an attacked site looks like while I’m writing this post (I’ve put its address in the picture):
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7 SEO Tips for Twitter

With its billion and more visits per month, Twitter is a very interesting tool for companies that want to engage in branding and lead generation.
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Il sito mobile più veloce si posiziona meglio

Alla domanda “La velocità è più importante per un sito mobile, a parità degli altri fattori SEO?”, risponde l’ingegnere capo della divisione search di Google, Matt Cutts, personaggio molto noto agli specialisti SEO, con questo video:

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The right keywords frequency

Frequency in keyword texts is a key SEO factor, said keyword density.

Web sites often come up with texts scattered with the same words. This is where the site owner tries to “push” some search engine terms in the hope of attracting traffic.

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