Non just Likes: Facebook “Reactions” are coming

According to Facebook’s Chief Product Officer Chris Cox, facebook users will soon be able to overcome the “Like” button limit and express themselves by clicking new emojis. The so-called “Reactions” are in beta test on Zuckerberg’s platform since the beginning of October 2015 and will soon arrive in Italy. Reactions are an extension of the Like button, by which you can express love, joy, satisfaction, amazement, sadness, or anger. You can only send one reaction, as it was for the “like”. For example, you will not be able to send both your “love” and “like”, but you will have to choose one of the two.

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Quale dimensione per l’immagine del profilo facebook

Per la cover del vostro profilo personale o pagina aziendale, Facebook raccomanda l’upload di un’immagine di larghezza minima 200 pixel ed una dimensione verticale sino a tre volte quella orizzontale.

Consigli aggiuntivi per ottenere un risultato decente anche dopo il ritaglio automatico da parte di facebook:

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